>Dach 01_Vance Orchestra_Monstrance _7″_€5
-nice cover, ltd. ed. of 300. experimental-collages-ambient trips from the netherlands.
>Dach 02_Tesendalo_Einklang_CD-R_9,00 €
-cd/r release of t.p.049 incl. bonus track.
>Dach 03_No + Tarkatak_ q_C-/R_9,00 €
-dronig ambient vs. noisy sound collages. first edition of 100 in handmade package is sold out. 2006: Second Edition of 50 copies in different Papercolor.
>Dach 04_Tausendschoen_Yonmade_CD-R [music] + 3″CD [artworks by Tausendschoen]_€10,50
-rhythmical-ambient with an dark and rapoon-like touch. solo-project by the 3rd ex. member of Maeror Tri Helge Siehl. Ltd. Editon of 250. Last copies…
>Dach 05_C. Reider vs. Tarkatak_ the druser pricid_CD-R_9,00 €
-a very nice collaboration by C. Reider from usa and Tarkatak from germany…
>Dach 06_Droneament_e Stoe_CD-R_10,00 €
-nice droning ambient trip, package in 16 side din-a-5 booklet…Ltd Edition of 120. Last Copies…
Collaboration with Nauze Muzick [http://www.nauzemuzick.net]
>Dach 07_Tonfang_long short player_3″ CD-R_6,00 €
-slow-motion-electronic-trip-dub. new project from hamburg.
>Dach 08_Atrac_Holmgang_CD-R_8,00 €
-first release of the half part of Salamandroids with very dark and deep drone ambient.
>Dach 09_Tarkatak_smakakor_CD-R_9,00 €
-Rerelease after Bake Records stops activities
>Dach 10:
Unter der Labelnr. Dach10 erscheinen 3″ cd/r mit remixen dessen Ausgangsmaterial von Florian Filsinger und Tarkatak an befreundete Akteure geschickt haben. Bei re:01 – 03 haben sie sich gegenseitig remixt. Weitere Veröffentlichungen sind im laufe des Jahres 2005 geplant. Die CDs sind auf 120 Exemplare limitiert und kommen in unterschiedlichen Cover.
>re:01_Tarkatak/Florian Filsinger_3″-CD-R_6,00 €
>re:02_Tarkatak/Florian Filsinger_3″-CD-R_6,00 €
>re:03_Tarkatak/Florian Filsinger_3″-CD-R_6,00 €
-remix serie. each ltd on 120 copies in handmade cover.
>Dach 11:
Pruditsch/Rowenta: Orion und Kassiopeia_CD_13,00 €
-A cooperation with Jeans Records: Jeans 03. Release in 2006. Ltd Editon of 300.
„Surprising dada / plunderphonic / cut-up collaboration by the man behind TARKATAK,Lutz Pruditsch, and FRANK ROWENTA, known from releases on DOM ELCHKLANG. They mixhere together different found sounds (from german earplays, oriental folk-music, classic orchestral and religious preachers, strange lectures, radio-interviews & adverts, field recordings, etc etc) and electronic samples & sounds in an unusual way, it begins quite dark & melanchoholic but with a very bizarre touch, but after a while total weirdness takes over,without loosing a dark untertone… similar to H.N.A.S., BROKEN PENIS ORCHESTRA, NEGATIVLAND… the build an obscure & wonderful dimension of their own, with thousand details and highly bizarre arrangements“. (Drone Records).